7 Signs Someone is Not Your π πΎπ π» πΌπ°π π΄. You are in a Wrong Relationship?

7 Signs Someone is Not Your Soulmate. You are in a Wrong Relationship? A Soul mate is a person with whom you have a deep affinity and empathy, especially in a loving sense, but it also applies to friendship. The concept of the Soul mate was born due to man's incessant search for something or someone to fill the void he has felt since time immemorial. There are many myths and legends about the Soul mate and they all agree that it is a soul that divides in two and reincarnates in other bodies, so when separating, it will search incessantly for the rest of that life and the next ones after its other half. Soul is the immaterial essence that defines us as people, it is our most intimate being, what we are. The Soul mate indicates that this essence that is within us is born incomplete and the only way to complete it is by finding the other part of our soul: our Soul mate. Make sure you are not with the wrong person. 7 Signs Someone is Not Your Soulmate. 1....